Buses are the only public transport option available to 70% of Melbourne.
The state government has set an ambitious target for bus patronage. It aims to lift patronage by 70% over 10 years by providing better services.
Victoria Walks survey for bus users
Victoria Walks and BusVic are surveying bus users until 11 April.
MTF confirms ABC as strategic direction for 21-22
The March MTF meeting adopted a strategic plan for 20-21. The Plan focuses on Active transport, Buses and Choices.
New Executive and Towards Zero Emission Buses
The MTF Executive was elected at the February meeting with Cr Jonathon Marsden continuing as Chair. The office holders for 2021 are: Chair: Jonathon Marsden Deputy: Tom Melican Secretary: Melissa Falkenberg Treasurer: Ross Evans General: Anna Chen, Stuart James, Lina...
The future of buses was ‘electric’ at the October MTF Meeting with inspiring presentations from Victorian Transport Action Group and TransDev.
MTF Loves Buses 2019
Exploring the role and opportunities for local governments to improve bus services in their municipalities.