Cycling & the federal election

Thursday 24 February
6.30 pm – 8.00 pm
Via zoom
Free online Zoom Webinar organised by the Metropolitan Transport Forum on behalf of 26 Melbourne councils representing over 4 million residents.
We have assembled a diverse panel of Federal election candidates from the major parties plus a high profile independent to discuss cycling and the Federal election.
Alongside state and local government, our politicians in Canberra can make a major contribution to cycling through road funding and other urban infrastructure projects.
Cycling and active transport have increased in popularity during COVID and are crucial to efforts to boost sustainable transport.
This forum will allow the speakers to articulate what actions our next government should and will take to make our cities more liveable, make cycling safer, and boost the uptake of sustainable transport.
Event panel: candidates who love cycling
Senator Janet Rice
Greens Senator for Victoria and life long transport activist.
Andrew Giles MP (Scullin)
ALP Shadow Minister for Cities and Urban Infrastructure
Monique Ryan
Independent candidate for Kooyong
The Hon Kevin Andrews
Member for Menzies: Keen cycling advocate and former Cabinet Minister.
Format and Q&A
The forum will hear ideas from each speaker on supporting cycling.
There will also be a discussion on important themes, including:
> how to include cycling into federally funded road projects
> promoting cycling at all stages and ages, from school to seniors and everyone in between.
There will be an opportunity for public Q&A.
Media release and event information
Register now
Webinar links will be emailed to you closer to the event.
All people who register will get a link to a video recording of the event. Please register even if you cannot attend the live event want to receive a link to the event recording.
Access requirements
We strive to host inclusive, accessible events that enable all individuals to engage fully. Please advise us by 6pm Monday 21 February of any requirements that would assist your participation.
Mobile: Greg Day 0418345829
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