The May 2024 meeting heard a presentation from RMIT Centre for Urban Research's Steve Pemberton & Eric Keys who...
Choices Articles
# Melbourne Airport
# marks the future for Melbourne AirportThe April MTF meeting received a comprehensive presentation about Melbourne...
THE Grattan Car Plan
The Grattan Car Plan was presented at the March meeting by Marion Terrill from the Grattan Institute.The plan seeks to...
VAGO report on Accessibility of Tram Services October 2020
This report was published by VAGO in October 2020, and has been mentioned by members in recent meetings. It indicates...
MTF confirms ABC as strategic direction for 21-22
The March MTF meeting voted to adopt advocacy of Active transport, Buses and Choices as their key strategic directions...
NTC innovative vehicles
Barriers to safe and legal use of innovative vehiclesMTF April 2020 Mandi Mees, National Transport Commission,...