Buses are the only public transport option available to 70% of Melbourne.
The state government has set an ambitious target for bus patronage. It aims to lift patronage by 70% over 10 years by providing better services.
IV: Fast, frequent, fair
5 June meeting with presentation by Infrastructure Victoria on “How buses can better connect Melbourne.”
MTF Bus forum 3: videos
MTF Bus Forum 3: ZEBs & Beyond
Video recordings
Better Buses Community Survey
Use this survey to tell us how you currently use buses and share your ideas about how to make buses work better for you.
Bus Awareness Week 2023
Bus Awareness Week: 23 – 27 October 2023
Get on board: Making the most of Melbourne’s buses is a discussion paper
presented by Infrastructure Victoria’s Peter Kartsidimas
Bus reform > IV
The MTF response to Infrastructure Victoria’s “Get on Board” discussion paper.
Better Buses in the West
Dr John Stone, Senior lecturer, Faculty of Architecture, Building and Planning at the University of Melbourne spoke on Better Buses for Melbourne’s West at the MTF July meeting.
MTF Loves Buses 2 Recordings plus
View recordings from MTF Loves Buses 2 from 18 October 2021 event
Victorian Bus Plan released
Victoria’s Bus Plan sets out how the State Government will reform the bus network.