IV: Fast, frequent, fair

Jun 5, 2024 | Buses, Highlights, LinkedIn

People riding bikes through city

June MTF meetings key note presentation

Fast, frequent, fair: how buses can better connect Melbourne
Infrastructure Victoria

Neil France, Principal Infrastructure Advisor
Matthew Raisbeck, Principal Transport Planner

The presentation details the findings of IV extensive research and thinking on buses in Melbourne, including 10 recommendations for moving ahead.

Recommendation: making buses a competitive choice

1. Increase the frequency of bus services, beginning with outer and growth areas.
2. Optimise the existing bus network through fast and direct routes.
3. Extend operating hours to match passenger demand and improve timetable integration.
4. Strengthen the role of community transport across the network.
5. Speed up buses through on-road priority and smarter technology.
6. Plan and deliver bus rapid transit across Melbourne.
7. Improve the bus stop and interchange experience.
8. Substantially reduce bus fares relative to other modes.
9. Update the Principal Public Transport Network.
10. Provide funding certainty for growth area buses.

Lower fares increase patronage and improve equity



State budget review

The State and Federal budgets were the topic of a panel discussion involving council transport analysists, rail experts and a transport reporter from a major news outlet.



MTF's February meeting heard two presentations from local planners who have looked at overseas examples of urban transport planning.


Better Buses in the West

Dr John Stone, Senior lecturer, Faculty of Architecture, Building and Planning at the University of Melbourne spoke on Better Buses for Melbourne’s West at the MTF July meeting.