June MTF meetings key note presentation Fast, frequent, fair: how buses can better connect MelbourneInfrastructure...
Buses Articles
MTF Bus forum 3: videos
Here are the video recordings of the sessions at the MTF Bus Forum 3: ZEBs & Beyond held at the MAV Tuesday 24...
Better Buses Community Survey
During Bus Awareness Week 2023, the Metropolitan Transport Forum (MTF) suggested that member councils promote an...
Bus Awareness Week 2023
Monday 23 October - Friday 27 October 2023 Highlights of local activitiesMornington PeninsulaNillumbikMeltonBetter...
Get on board: Making the most of Melbourne's buses. A discussion paper presented by Infrastructure Victoria's Peter...
Bus reform > IV
The MTF response to Infrastructure Victoria's “Get on Board” discussion paper.Many bus passengers have no choice,...
Better Buses in the West
Dr John Stone, Senior lecturer in the Urban Planning Program at the Faculty of Architecture, Building and Planning at...
MTF Loves Buses 2 Recordings plus
MTF Loves Buses 2 An MTF/MAV event for all councillors and council staff was held on Zoom on Monday 18 October. Below...
Victorian Bus Plan released
JUST RELEASED: Victoria's Bus Plan sets out how the State Government will start to deliver a modern, productive,...