Dr John Stone, Senior lecturer in the Urban Planning Program at the Faculty of Architecture, Building and Planning at...
LinkedIn Articles
# Melbourne Airport
# marks the future for Melbourne AirportThe April MTF meeting received a comprehensive presentation about Melbourne...
Pop-up progress
Four members of the DoT Active Transport Team discuss the learnings from the recent pop-up cycle lanes in Melbourne...
THE Grattan Car Plan
The Grattan Car Plan was presented at the March meeting by Marion Terrill from the Grattan Institute.The plan seeks to...
Moving Forward Together
The highlights of the February 2022 meeting were the annual election of office holders and a presentation by noted...
Victorian freight planning and policy initiatives update
Freight Victoria’s presentation on the fascinating topic of freight planning was the highlight of the December MTF...
Victoria Walks: Understanding Pedestrian Crashes
Victoria Walks’ Duane Burtt presented the latest results of Monash University’s Accident Research Centre research into...
IV 30 Year Strategy and transport themes
September’s MTF meeting included our Annual General Meeting followed by our regular meeting with a guest presentation...
New walking ambassador Cr Jodi Jackson
Talk the walk and walk the talk with our new walking ambassador August’s meeting welcomed Cr Jodi Jackson from Hume as...