Cycling & Federal election forum

Cycling and the Federal Election: Which party loves cycling as much as you do?
Free online forum organised by local government to hear what all major parties will do to support cycling.
Thursday 24 February
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Event panel: candidates who love cycling
Senator Janet Rice: Greens Senator for Victoria and life long transport activist.
Andrew Giles MP (Scullin): ALP Shadow Minister for Cities and Urban Infrastructure
Monique Ryan: Independent candidate for Kooyong
Kevin Andrews MP (Menzies): Keen cyclist and former Cabinet Minister
0 – 30 minutes
Each panellist presents their ideas on the topic: “Cycling and the Federal election”
30- 45 minutes
Policy discussion #1 Federal Road funding and cycling: following an introduction by MAV President David Clark about how Federal funding could better support cycling, each panellist responds.
45 – 60 minutes
Policy discussion #2 Promoting cycling at all ages and stages: following an introduction by PhD Candidate Lauren Pearson about the latest research on how to encourage more people to cycle more often, each panellist responds.
60 – 80 minutes
Panel respond to audience Q&A
80 – 90 minutes
Short closing remarks from each panellist and Tom Melican, MTF Cycling Ambassador
The forum brought together speakers from all major parties who love cycling.
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Cycling & the federal election
An online forum about Cycling and the Federal election. Hear from all major parties to discover which party loves cycling as much as you do!
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