Transport planning: international experiences
MTF’s February meeting heard two presentations from local planners who have looked at overseas examples of urban transport planning.
Lisbon: reducing private vehicle use
Nuno Pires (Transport Planning Coordinator, City of Stonnington) described the transport changes introduced in Lisbon since 2011 as part of a 20 year plan to reduce transport related emissions in response to climate change. Lisbon saw a reduction in private vehicle use of 3 % over 6 years.
Lisbon’s bold strategy includes removal of vehicles from the town centre by banning old vehicles, dramatically reducing on street parking spaces (with fewer cars entering the city, fewer spaces were needed), putting roads on diets to create bike lanes, 30kph speed limits in the majority of streets, and neighbourhoods with restricted access – residents only- and legislation changes that prioritise pedestrians over other road users.
Curitiba, Brazil: Colour code integrated buses
Dr Luisiana Paganelli (RMIT Centre from Urban Research) spoke about how transport oriented design can transform a city, and can also expand with a city, as a Curitiba expanded from 300,000 people to over 2,000,000 over four decades. She described how Curitiba’s plans were created in advance of the expansion of the city, and provided the basis for implementation over many years.
Curatiba’s plans were based around multiple transport modes, allowing excellent access by all users, it is a trinary system with space for local access, arterial travel, and separate bus throughout the city. It has well integrated and distinct bus services, easily recognised by colour coding, with transport interchanges designed into the network from the start.
Presentation 30Mb
Takeaways from the sessions
1. Have a Plan!
2. Use the Plan!
3. Implement the Plan!
Curitiba’s plans were created in advance of the expansion of the city
IV: Fast, frequent, fair
5 June meeting with presentation by Infrastructure Victoria on "How buses can better connect Melbourne."
Apartments and PT GROWTH
1 May 2024 meeting with presentation from RMIT CUR on apartments and PT growth
State budget review
The State and Federal budgets were the topic of a panel discussion involving council transport analysists, rail experts and a transport reporter from a major news outlet.
Councils & DTP
DTP and Council working together on Active Transport was the main topic of discussion at the May meeting.
Get on board: Making the most of Melbourne's buses is a discussion paper
presented by Infrastructure Victoria's Peter Kartsidimas
Congrats to speakers
Congratulations to the successful candidates and MPs who participated in one of our MTF Transport Forums before the election.
Eight MTF Transport Forums were held across Melbourne in July - October 2022
Better Buses in the West
Dr John Stone, Senior lecturer, Faculty of Architecture, Building and Planning at the University of Melbourne spoke on Better Buses for Melbourne’s West at the MTF July meeting.
# Melbourne Airport
Melbourne Airport: Master Development Plan consultation and 3rd Runway Project