MTF confirms ABC as strategic direction for 21-22

The March MTF meeting voted to adopt advocacy of Active transport, Buses and Choices as their key strategic directions for 21-22 including the next State election.
On Active Transport, the top priority is securing State government funding to implement the Victorian Cycling Strategy 2018-28.
For Buses, the focus is on lifting bus patronage through better services, and additional state funding of buses to support their own ambitious patronage goals.
And on Choices, the MTF remains committed to giving all Melbournians competitive alternatives to private cars as the transport mode of choice [for commuting, leisure and education].
The strategy also identifies the benefits of working closely with other like-minded advocates like MAV, Victoria Walks and riding groups.
Advocacy about Active transport, Buses and Choices are the key strategic directions for 21-22 including the next State election.
IV: Fast, frequent, fair
5 June meeting with presentation by Infrastructure Victoria on "How buses can better connect Melbourne."
Apartments and PT GROWTH
1 May 2024 meeting with presentation from RMIT CUR on apartments and PT growth
State budget review
The State and Federal budgets were the topic of a panel discussion involving council transport analysists, rail experts and a transport reporter from a major news outlet.
Councils & DTP
DTP and Council working together on Active Transport was the main topic of discussion at the May meeting.
Get on board: Making the most of Melbourne's buses is a discussion paper
presented by Infrastructure Victoria's Peter Kartsidimas
MTF's February meeting heard two presentations from local planners who have looked at overseas examples of urban transport planning.
Congrats to speakers
Congratulations to the successful candidates and MPs who participated in one of our MTF Transport Forums before the election.
Eight MTF Transport Forums were held across Melbourne in July - October 2022
Better Buses in the West
Dr John Stone, Senior lecturer, Faculty of Architecture, Building and Planning at the University of Melbourne spoke on Better Buses for Melbourne’s West at the MTF July meeting.